Centripetal Re-released!
Greetings and salutations and welcome to 2013! For my first new post of the year I am very happy to announce that I have re-released Centripetal onto the iTunes App Store under my own name. 🙂 Click here to purchase Centripetal on the iTunes App Store.
As an aside, a fair bit has changed since I first released Centripetal. I had used cocos2d 0.99 at the time. XCode 3 was all the rage. iOS was at v4.x and OpenGL ES 1.0 was the standard.
Now cocos2d 2.0 is out, XCode is at 4.5, iOS is up to v6.x and OpenGL ES 2.0 is en vogue on our favorite mobile platform. As a result, it wasn’t enough to just recompile and resubmit. I ended up upgrading cocos2d, box2d, CocosDenshion and the other related libs. I also needed to tweak some of the code that I happened to have which made use of the GL_POINTS_SMOOTH parameter in the call to glEnable. By tweak I mean remove. You’ll see that on the help screens where the dot indicator showing which page you are on is now a square and not a circle. Yay progress?!
I do, however, want to also release this for OS X on the Mac App Store as well. Oddly enough I discovered it is enjoyable to play on the desktop due to running it in the iOS simulator.
Anyhow, if you already have your original copy, know that this is purely a re-release. If you haven’t tried it out before, you can check out my Centripetal page here (or click the link at the top of the page in the header) and watch the gameplay video.
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